Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The pansy that wasnt

A couple of months ago I started an embroidery project involving flowers which I regarded as intimidating - pansies. Their dual colours and delicate streaks of contrasting colours on each petal requires some skill to achieve with a needle and thread.

I started off by selecting a pattern I found in a pdf from the Antique Pattern Library. For fabric I chose pink casement, which I would later realise to be a fatal error. And then with three shades each of golden yellow and purple I was set.

The embroidery itself went off quite well, with the shading and contrast strokes.
However I had a nagging feeling all through that the colours were somehow not at their glorious best and after I finished the first flower I was convinced that such was the case. The culprit was the fabric, that was the colour of an overwhelming, all consuming pink.

So I've abandoned this project for now and relegated it to a little stash of ufos(unfinished objects). But the learning has been immense - I feel much more confident about blending colours and creating brush-stroke like effects. Isnt that what needlepainting is all about!

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